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Full Version: Wont stopp recording
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for some obscure reasons the streamlink process wont stop after the end of the recording.
i just keeps adding new streamlink sessions. for ex after 24Hr there would be ~100 streamlink processes on linux

5128 ?        Sl     2:22 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/streamlink best -O
5158 ?        SL     0:23 ffmpeg -nostats -y -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-5128-1-5685 -c:v copy -c:a copy -map 0 -f mpegts pipe:1
8932 ?        Sl     1:30 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/streamlink best -O
8962 ?        SL     0:15 ffmpeg -nostats -y -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-8932-1-2834 -c:v copy -c:a copy -map 0 -f mpegts pipe:1
11169 ?        S      3:06 /opt/nextpvr/system/DeviceHost/x64/DeviceHostLinux -listen:33583 -typeBig GrinVB-T -device:adapter0/frontend1 -instance:1 -parent:996
13021 ?        Sl     0:49 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/streamlink best -O
13052 ?        SL     0:08 ffmpeg -nostats -y -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-13021-1-418 -c:v copy -c:a copy -map 0 -f mpegts pipe:1
18346 ?        Sl     0:01 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/streamlink best -O
18375 ?        SL     0:00 ffmpeg -nostats -y -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-18346-1-1954 -c:v copy -c:a copy -map 0 -f mpegts pipe:1
If you are posting about streamlink it sound like you should be posting in the Extra sub-forum not the linux are. The zipped logs of course are necessary.
Sub did make a change to the Extra device in 5.2.1 that broke some functionality this may be the cause. With the logs we can check.

the logs
There is no space on your recording drive so it is hard to know anything until that is fixed. Stop the service and kill any the streamlink tasks that are running or restart the PC.

the problem with the space has alreaday bee solved but the multible streamlink processes are comming
Ok sorry I didn't scroll far enough. It looks like you are experiencing the issue that 5.2.1 created. You cannot record back to back episodes with the extra so disable rules that might do that.

it's working again with the newest 5.2.2 verison.