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Not sure if this is related to the other currently recording playback issue or not.

I can watch a recording in progress from my Colossus 2 tuner. However, last night I started watching a 3hr recording that was in progress and about 15 minutes in, my attempts to skip or manually set the playback position using a mouse only restarted playback. I wound up watching from Emby Theatre for a bit, which worked ok.

(I also have disabled comskip a few days ago due to inconsistent results with it)

Here is where I started watching:
2022-04-22 20:21:33.523 [INFO][1] Activity:
  <recording_name>Gold Rush</recording_name>

First attempt to skip:
2022-04-22 20:35:33.094 [DEBUG][1] SetPosition(1134.000000)

This morning, I could resume and manually set the playback position with the mouse. So it appears to only an issue during recording.

Logs attached, let me know if you need anything else.
(By the way, I'm using NLite full time now on 2 client computers, my server is in a back room, but won't be used directly much)

Edit: 15 minutes in instead of 30...