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I have set up IPTV with the following m3u file:

#EXTM3U Rich

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-logo="removed.png" group-title="General",BBC One

and it works fine. I have used xmltv to create epg.xml - and I can confirm this works perfectly with PVR Simple Client in Kodi, so I think I've done it correctly. However, the EPG info does not load in NextPVR.
Looking at the logs, I see this:
2022-12-20 22:00:49.010    [ERROR][92]    Unexpected error looking up m3u channel ids
I believe this is after I try to use the auto map function. So does my m3u file (above) look in the wrong format? And can you think of any other reason why it cannot load my pvr.xml info? Thank you!
Are you sure your xmltv file matches <channel id=""> If so you need to upload your zipped logs.

(2022-12-20, 10:20 PM)mvallevand Wrote: [ -> ]Are you sure your xmltv file matches <channel id="">  If so you need to upload your zipped logs.


Yes I believe so, here's an extract from my epg.xml file:
  <channel id="">
    <display-name lang="en">BBC One South West</display-name>
  <programme start="20221220005000 +0000" stop="20221220014000 +0000" channel="">
    <title lang="en">The Graham Norton Show</title>

Please find my zipped log attached. Thank you so much!
The problem that you have is that NextPVR doesn't really want an URI for filename on the file system. You aren't the first to be confused by this.


You should just type in /home/rich/iptv.m3u but be aware on some version of Linux user nextpvr won't have the permissions to read or do a directory search in another user's home folder.

Even if NextPVR supported the URI you used the wrong syntax file:/// would be needed.

Hi @mvallevand, thanks for your reply.
I actually noticed what you pointed out and fixed it already - if you scroll further down the log you should see I am using /home/rich/epg.xml.
I have attached another log file - please just look at the latest log inside the zip file. Pretty much all I did was boot the computer, log-in to NextPVR in web browser, "update" my channel list, remove and re-add /home/rich/epg.xml. Still no epg info is showing.
Thank you
Automap didn't work

2022-12-20 20:14:42.060 [DEBUG][28] AutoMap found matches for 0 channels

Did you make sure that permissions were ok?

The deb installer would have created /home/rich/recordings with the correct permissions. Maybe use it or /tmp as the source for epg.xml

Thank you Martin, you've done it!!
Moving epg.xml from /home/rich/ to /home/rich/recordings/ solved the issue!
I'm not sure how I could set the permissions for /home/rich/epg.xml to work, but it doesn't matter anymore.
Thanks again - I can already tell I'm going to like NextPVR Smile