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Recent posts have shown that if the m3u8 URL pas a referer or user-agentĀ  the internal m3u8 downloader will use them but they are not passed to ffmpeg if the first connection fails or if the file type is not supported (ie separate audio and video channels)'

ffmpeg should be able to use -user_agent "..." and -headers "Referer: ..." parameters so it would be potentially avoid the use of an extra.

An additional log entry explaining why the internal downloader is not used would help debugging.

I have been meaning to add since it was raised in that thread.
This list would be good to test My cheap VPN doesn't work in NZ and the Australian ones I tried fail on the AES-128 key.

There is some "" urls it forces to ffmpeg without even trying to manually download directly.

They do work when downloaded directly, but there is some weird AES padding thing that happens at the end of some TVNZ channels (which the .NET AES module behaves strangely with), which causes a weird tick in some players every few seconds, so it's forced to have ffmpeg clean it for now.
I've added this for the next build.
Thanks that should help RAI and Matt Huismann users.

I noticed this today <TranscodeMJH>true</TranscodeMJH> I am not sure why they are sometimes downloaded directly and when they are not transcoded but remuxed if this is the default. Regardless the change will help.
