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Full Version: Matrox RTX.100 and gb-pvr
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Hi guys

I have Matrox RTX.100 in my PC that is used with Adobe Premiere for video editing.

The only way I can record something is by running Premiere and Premiere is not exactly PVR software.

Is there any way to make this card work with gb-pvr ?

I have a RT.X100 as well (excellent card), but it is not feasible for GBPVR.

First and last, the RT.X100 doesn't have a tuner built in. So it is not able to tune in on the different channels (in fact ANY) you would want to record.

Furthermore, based on Matrox's recommendations and mine and others' experiences, it is not wise to have much other installed on your Video Editing machine than the Matrox and Adobe software, as the setup is pretty fragile and sensitive to other drivers etc.

To get back to your question, you'll be needing a tuner card/USB device to get on with GBPVR.


I know its not good to install too much software on video editing PC, but I use two different windows installs for this. Plus I dont edit too much, I got this card as a present.

About tuner I know it dosnt have one, but I have stelite TV anyway with its own remote control and chanel changing so I dont need tuner.

The card is exelent and I just wish it was possible to make it work with PVR software.