2007-08-06, 12:15 AM
Not sure if this is something in the mvpmc or not, but I notice a difference in the way things start. On the donlge from GBPVR which is running on one MVP, when I start a video and the resume/restart dialog appears, the video is paused until I choose something. But with the MVPMC dongle on my other MVP, the video keeps playing while I am trying to choose. This is sort of related to another post I did where during this situation, it is really hard to press the buttons. The MVP running the mvpmc dongle is on a low bandwidth connection(weak wireless).
Is the GBPVR dongle doing an internal pause command until the resume/restart dialog finishes?
Is the GBPVR dongle doing an internal pause command until the resume/restart dialog finishes?
GBPVR 1.4.7
Capture: Hauppauge PVR-150MCE
[/COLOR]Media MVP: 2 wired(default dongle), 1 wireless(mvpmc dongle)
PCH A-100: 1 (mvpmcx2)
GBPVR 1.4.7
Capture: Hauppauge PVR-150MCE
[/COLOR]Media MVP: 2 wired(default dongle), 1 wireless(mvpmc dongle)
PCH A-100: 1 (mvpmcx2)