2009-03-07, 12:13 AM
Looks like the WOL call is returning almost immediately (<.3 secs):
I would recommend putting the program in a batch file and performing the ping as you outlined below.
Quote:2009-03-06 12:05:33.390 VERBOSE [1] MovieWiz: Activate()- ENTERFirst, I don't see a command line argument (ie your ip or mac address). Also, I suspect the WOL program returns immediately without insuring the target system responded to the command.
2009-03-06 12:05:33.468 VERBOSE [1] MovieWiz: Activate()- Activate Pgm: C:\Program Files\GBPVR\Plugins\Wake_on_Lan.exe
2009-03-06 12:05:33.468 VERBOSE [1] MovieWiz: Activate()- cmd line:
2009-03-06 12:05:33.468 VERBOSE [1] MovieWiz: Activate()- Waiting for Activate Pgm to terminate...
2009-03-06 12:05:33.703 VERBOSE [1] MovieWiz: Activate()- Activate Pgm (C:\Program Files\GBPVR\Plugins\Wake_on_Lan.exe) completed with return code: 9152
I would recommend putting the program in a batch file and performing the ping as you outlined below.