2011-10-01, 12:38 AM
bgowland Wrote:Possibly - never underestimate how much of a PITA PSU issues can be. Sorry - that's no real help but border-line PSUs can really cause confusing behaviour in my experience. Find your spare and give it a try.
Found it, tried it: no change. Of course, there is the possibility that the spare is bad, too, but it is over my head to multitest them.
I can't think of anything else to try. Everything in my box, other than the CPU and motherboard, has been at some stage disconnected, reseated and in some cases replaced. I have replaced the power supply, and tried to boot the system in graduated fractional steps.
Before anyone concludes, "it must be the motherboard," I have to point out that, while I would normally agree, I am nonplussed by the fact that the symptoms appeared, then corrected briefly, then reappeared identically. If the motherboard were causing the problem, I would find it very coincidental that the same problem occurred on separate occasions, rather than continuously.
Any further advice would be appreciated, but it seems hopeless. I think I am about to leave the mediacentre community, and rejoin the rational world.