My gosh, I actually got usbuirtsend.exe to work! First I got it to work in DOS, then in the GUI. Thanks to everyone who helped and sent me files. I really appreciate it.
Just bought a one year subscription to Schedules Direct.
I imagine in channelchanger_uutx.exe is stll hardcoded for the path.
If this is the case (i'll check at home) then I'll make one which is not hardcoded.
"Shut up brain, or I'll stab you with a Q-Tip!"
--= Win7, C2D 2.93 GHz, ASUS 9400GT Silent, 2GB Ram, Few HDD's, 3TB unRAID server, Samsung 50" 1080p Plasma via HDMI, 40" 1080i LCD via VGA =-- * PVR2000 Analog PCI / Avermedia DVB-S PCI / Hauppauge 2200 DVB/Analog * PCH GBPVR Client * *BD-E6500 w/ NPVR client*
Alright. I actually wrote a quick batch script, which is now working successfully (yay!), but what you have may be more elegant for the situation. Here's what I created, and am using for now:
@echo off
cd C:\users\public\NPVR\USBUIRT\
set "channel=%1"
set "num=-1"
set /a num=num+1
call set "name2=%%channel:~%num%,1%%"
if defined name2 (
uutx2.exe -s0 -r3 -fdevice.dat %name2%
echo %name2%
goto :loop