2016-09-22, 01:49 PM
sub Wrote:You'll need to give us more info. What device are you using, and have you gone to the Settings->Devices screen and scanned for channels (or in the case of analog/hdpvr, added them using the 'import' button)? It sounds like you haven't done this. For most devices you setup your channels first, then add Schedules Direct later.
Installed the "Update EPG" patch. Still couldn't update EPG. Went to Devices page and it scanned DRI devices. After scan "Device Setup," "Import Channels," and "Export Channels" buttons are still greyed out (inactive). Using a Hauppauge WinTV-quadHD (Model1652) Dual ATSC/QAM. Have Decoders enabled due to WinTV recording in .ts format and I wanted to watch programs already recorded in WijnTV using NextPVR.