2018-04-18, 05:22 PM
First of all great work.
I was wandering if there is a way to update or tweak the importer function to also read the tv-logo from the m3u list given by the provider.
This is usually in the below format :
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="RTV21.al" tvg-name="RTV 21 HD AL" tvg-logo="http://cdn.mypanel.tv/picon/rtv21al_2.png" group-title="Albania",RTV 21 HD AL
So the info is given at the tvg-logo="url". Maybe we can pull this only once and cache it.
I have tried to write my own code to do this and rename the logonames to match the channel names as they appear in npvr however because the channels have characters like &/ and other control characters i cannot create a filename with the those characters so the logo name and tv name don't match.
If there is code available which i can modify and help ouyt in any way let me know.
thank you!
First of all great work.
I was wandering if there is a way to update or tweak the importer function to also read the tv-logo from the m3u list given by the provider.
This is usually in the below format :
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="RTV21.al" tvg-name="RTV 21 HD AL" tvg-logo="http://cdn.mypanel.tv/picon/rtv21al_2.png" group-title="Albania",RTV 21 HD AL
So the info is given at the tvg-logo="url". Maybe we can pull this only once and cache it.
I have tried to write my own code to do this and rename the logonames to match the channel names as they appear in npvr however because the channels have characters like &/ and other control characters i cannot create a filename with the those characters so the logo name and tv name don't match.
If there is code available which i can modify and help ouyt in any way let me know.
thank you!