2019-04-15, 08:32 PM
Yeah, in the NextPVR Android app, which used Exoplayer, I didn't rely on ExoPlayer to determine the duration since there seemed to be all sorts of limitations around ts playback.
2019-04-15, 08:32 PM
Yeah, in the NextPVR Android app, which used Exoplayer, I didn't rely on ExoPlayer to determine the duration since there seemed to be all sorts of limitations around ts playback.
2019-04-15, 08:39 PM
It does play for me, but exoplayer can be tricky if you're trying with the "wrong" hardware.
But, like I said, it does not need to play, it's enough that you see if the timeline gets the duration or not.
2019-04-15, 08:52 PM
skogl Wrote:It does play for me, but exoplayer can be tricky if you're trying with the "wrong" hardware.Here, it's just giving me the error straight away, so no duration shown. The Exoplayer app just shows that error message I mentioned. Do you get the duration shown from http://nextpvr.com/test.ts?
2019-04-15, 09:09 PM
Yes I got duration and it plays well!
2019-04-17, 09:20 AM
Any progress on this? Please let me know if I can supply any more information that leads to a solution.
2019-08-15, 09:18 AM
Just wanted to inform that this works in v5, so the fix obviously had some effect.
Thank you!
2019-08-15, 09:34 PM