I could possibly look at adding the cached epg event for information‘a sake. I wouldn’t add season/episode columns because often theses are often not available, even if a unique ID is (like DVB EPG where crid code is used as the unique ID)
(2021-01-30, 01:47 AM)sub Wrote: That said, I could probably add logic to improve the movies duplicate detection, by adding a fake unique identifier (derived from the name) when NextPVR knows it's a movie. Does your xmltv file clearly identify what are movies? ie a genre?
That would be great. And yes all movies have that genre, either as a seperate entry <category>movie</category> or in combination with other genre <category>movie/drama</category>.
(2021-01-30, 06:55 PM)sub Wrote: It’d likely just be setting a unique ID for movies imported from xmltv, and it’s just work with the existing logic.
Is this a ID you will be creating on your own in combination with the movie title? I ask because i've used several different xmltv providers over the years, but they never had some kind of unique identifiers for the program entries.
(2021-01-30, 01:47 AM)sub Wrote: That said, I could probably add logic to improve the movies duplicate detection, by adding a fake unique identifier (derived from the name) when NextPVR knows it's a movie. Does your xmltv file clearly identify what are movies? ie a genre?
That would be great. And yes all movies have that genre, either as a seperate entry <category>movie</category> or in combination with other genre <category>movie/drama</category>.
This is added for the next release.
(2021-01-30, 06:55 PM)sub Wrote: It’d likely just be setting a unique ID for movies imported from xmltv, and it’s just work with the existing logic.
Is this a ID you will be creating on your own in combination with the movie title? I ask because i've used several different xmltv providers over the years, but they never had some kind of unique identifiers for the program entries.
Yes, if a unique identifier is not supplied, it'll generate one, and include the name (and the year if available).
There is some xmltv files that supply unique identifiers for each show. Most of these are for North America. I have seen some European xmltv files that include crid identifiers though (with the xmltv likely sourced from DVB transmissions).
For general shows, NextPVR will generate a unique id if enough information is available to uniquely identify them, like a season/episode number etc... the equivalent of "the-simpsons-s08e12"