(2022-03-01, 08:11 PM)mvallevand Wrote: My NextPVR SD JSON daily update of 268 channels is 1 minute 10 seconds. You have to look into md5 caching.
Yes I already saw it, Martin, and thats why I am telling it is not user friendly if you dont have a generator specificly coded for SD Json. Tempest speed is for full grabbing. Normal other SD grabbers are just checking md5 and skipping if md5s are same. Since usually only today is changing(%90 of the times), they are just jumping other 19 days. I have still doubts about implementing the same in Tempest. It, for sure, will be good for SD users but will be a bloatware for non-SD users since md5 caching is totally useless for the rest of world. I am not seeing Tempest as a SD grabber but a grabber also supports SD so it is still under consideration