2009-10-04, 08:41 PM
nightwalker Wrote:That's pretty cool. I agree with you it is a bit sparse on the info and doesn't look at all like the official fox news website.
I have Verizon working really well so I'm good for now.
I have often wondered about how you would record web streamed shows and movies. There are a bunch of them out there but if you can't record it, it does me no good. I don't think I've watched a live show in years.
I don't know a lot about this technology (yet), but I have to think that, in principle, if you can put it onto your computer's screen, you can put it on your computer's hard drive.
Right now after the analog crush, we have one cableco DVR that's reserved for my wife. Most of my own taping/recording is off FNC and the History Channel, and I tend to keep those. I'd like to avoid having to rent a second DVR (plus, the promotion on the first one won't last forever), so I'm willing to invest some money on equipment+software that will enable me to continue watching and recording the channels I'm already paying to get.