2013-02-10, 10:04 PM
I am new to npvr. I am having issues with certain channels while watching live TV. The majority of channels work perfectly and without issue, however some channels, (comedy central HD for example) stutters in both video and audio. My setup is as follows, win 8, i7 using intel integrated graphics 2000, ceton pcie tuner. I have the network tuner plugin setup with SageDCT and I am using SAF6 for the decoders. I have tried varied combinations of decoders yet that has not solved the issue. Currently I am using PDVD12 (video MPG2) and LAV (audio ACC). I have tried varying the buffer time however that does not fix the issue. When viewing the tv buffer ts files the comedy central ones will not play in windows media player(other channels will), however will play in MPC-HC. In MPC-HC they contain the stutters. I assume that means that there is something different with file formats and it maybe a decoding issue? Anyone had the same issue or have an idea, appreciate the help.