ive seen this myself, I just assumed it was a problem with the EPG listings so I forgot about it
Should be easy enough to fix.
On an unrelated note, I've bought a new laptop (sold my old one in December), was really surprised how much development I actually did on a laptop and how little I did when I didnt have one.
I'm having a house built and moving in in 4 weeks time, so im pretty busy right now (I'm having to do all the networking on the house, 38 ports in total , the in wall/ceiling sound systems, I have to make a few things for the new house (shelves etc)).
I'm hoping to have development back at a fast rate in April, but hopefully release another alpha before then.
Great, thanks. I'm actually buying a house and moving in April also, which is engrossing enough without the added energy of having to oversee the building and networking :-) Looking forward to April on all fronts and available for further testing along with a friend of mine. I'm sure we'll have some feature requests too ;-)