2019-05-25, 09:37 AM
I've had a startup issue for years and have finally got round to posting.
If I leave NextPVR on a channel which only broadcasts at certain times and power down the PC, when I next power the PC on, If the channel is off-air I have the devil's own job to get NextPVR to change channel to a working channel. The only way I have found to do it is to go into the EPG, select a working channel from there and the Watch.
If I directly type a channel number it goes into a not responding state. Selecting from the Channels menu does nothing and ends in a non-responding state. It only seems to fail from a cold boot.
If I power on and last had a working channel then select a non-working channel, I can select a working channel successfully.
If I power on and last had a working channel then select a non-working channel, then do a warm reboot, I can change channel.
I only get the problem from a cold boot.
In the UK, typical channels are BBC4 and Quest+1 which only start broadcasting at 7pm.
Below is my log having powered down watching Quest+1 (channel 76) then I try switching to Quest (channel 37) which is broadcasting;
I've had a startup issue for years and have finally got round to posting.
If I leave NextPVR on a channel which only broadcasts at certain times and power down the PC, when I next power the PC on, If the channel is off-air I have the devil's own job to get NextPVR to change channel to a working channel. The only way I have found to do it is to go into the EPG, select a working channel from there and the Watch.
If I directly type a channel number it goes into a not responding state. Selecting from the Channels menu does nothing and ends in a non-responding state. It only seems to fail from a cold boot.
If I power on and last had a working channel then select a non-working channel, I can select a working channel successfully.
If I power on and last had a working channel then select a non-working channel, then do a warm reboot, I can change channel.
I only get the problem from a cold boot.
In the UK, typical channels are BBC4 and Quest+1 which only start broadcasting at 7pm.
Below is my log having powered down watching Quest+1 (channel 76) then I try switching to Quest (channel 37) which is broadcasting;
2019-05-25 10:21:12.439 [DEBUG][1] Created mutex. Must be only instance.
2019-05-25 10:21:12.455 [DEBUG][1] Checking if upgrade required
2019-05-25 10:21:12.455 [DEBUG][1] master file is C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Config-master-dont-edit.xml
2019-05-25 10:21:12.611 [DEBUG][1] PluginResolveEventHandler: System.ResolveEventArgs
2019-05-25 10:21:12.611 [DEBUG][1] Known plugin directories:
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] Looking for assembly in (2) C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Plugins\common\NextPVR.resources.dll
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] Looking for assembly in (3) C:\Program Files (x86)\NPVR\Plugins\common\NextPVR.resources.dll
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] PluginResolveEventHandler: System.ResolveEventArgs
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] Known plugin directories:
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] Looking for assembly in (2) C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Plugins\common\NextPVR.resources.dll
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] Looking for assembly in (3) C:\Program Files (x86)\NPVR\Plugins\common\NextPVR.resources.dll
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] PluginResolveEventHandler: System.ResolveEventArgs
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] Known plugin directories:
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] Looking for assembly in (2) C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Plugins\common\NextPVR.resources.dll
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] Looking for assembly in (3) C:\Program Files (x86)\NPVR\Plugins\common\NextPVR.resources.dll
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] PluginResolveEventHandler: System.ResolveEventArgs
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] Known plugin directories:
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] Looking for assembly in (2) C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Plugins\common\NextPVR.resources.dll
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] Looking for assembly in (3) C:\Program Files (x86)\NPVR\Plugins\common\NextPVR.resources.dll
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] Version:
2019-05-25 10:21:12.627 [DEBUG][1] SingleInstance()
2019-05-25 10:21:12.830 [INFO][1] About to connect to remote recording service
2019-05-25 10:21:12.846 [DEBUG][1] RecordingServiceProxy@exit
2019-05-25 10:21:12.846 [DEBUG][1] Rendering for screen size: 1920x1080
2019-05-25 10:21:12.924 [DEBUG][1] Using skin: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\skin\Default\..
2019-05-25 10:21:12.924 [DEBUG][1] About to look for plugin directories in: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Plugins\
2019-05-25 10:21:12.924 [DEBUG][1] Skipping non-existant plugin directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\NPVR\Plugins\
2019-05-25 10:21:12.955 [DEBUG][1] Loaded menu item: TV Guide
2019-05-25 10:21:13.002 [DEBUG][1] Loaded menu item: Recordings
2019-05-25 10:21:13.017 [DEBUG][1] Loaded menu item: Live TV
2019-05-25 10:21:13.017 [DEBUG][1] Loaded menu item: Search
2019-05-25 10:21:13.017 [DEBUG][1] Loaded menu item: Music
2019-05-25 10:21:13.017 [DEBUG][1] Loaded menu item: Videos
2019-05-25 10:21:13.033 [DEBUG][1] Loaded menu item: Pictures
2019-05-25 10:21:13.033 [DEBUG][1] Loaded menu item: DVD
2019-05-25 10:21:13.033 [DEBUG][1] Loaded menu item: Exit
2019-05-25 10:21:13.064 [DEBUG][1] Menu loaded
2019-05-25 10:21:13.236 [DEBUG][1] Supports HardwareVertexProcessing
2019-05-25 10:21:13.236 [DEBUG][1] Supports PureDevice
2019-05-25 10:21:13.271 [DEBUG][1] Using Direct3DHelper
2019-05-25 10:21:14.471 [DEBUG][1] GetServerStatus() returns:
<Device oid="23" identifier="Digital TV:1">
<Device oid="21" identifier="IPTV">
2019-05-25 10:21:14.483 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@1 (QUEST+1)
2019-05-25 10:21:14.483 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@2
2019-05-25 10:21:14.484 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@3
2019-05-25 10:21:14.517 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@4
2019-05-25 10:21:17.684 [DEBUG][1] Client got streaming handle: 170001
2019-05-25 10:21:17.684 [DEBUG][1] service type is: 1
2019-05-25 10:21:17.687 [DEBUG][1] CaptureSource.LoadAll()
2019-05-25 10:21:17.693 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@5 (servicetype=1)
2019-05-25 10:21:17.693 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@6
2019-05-25 10:21:17.693 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@6
2019-05-25 10:21:17.710 [DEBUG][1] Looking for: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Media\Channels\QUEST+1.png
2019-05-25 10:21:17.711 [DEBUG][1] Looking for: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Media\Channels\QUEST+1.jpg
2019-05-25 10:21:17.711 [DEBUG][1] Looking for: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Media\Channels\QUEST+1.jpeg
2019-05-25 10:21:17.711 [DEBUG][1] Looking for: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Media\Channels\QUEST+1.gif
2019-05-25 10:21:17.725 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@7
2019-05-25 10:21:17.725 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@done
2019-05-25 10:21:17.731 [INFO][3] Checking online for updated versions...
2019-05-25 10:21:17.731 [INFO][3] Web@1
2019-05-25 10:21:17.731 [DEBUG][3] CaptureSource.LoadAll()
2019-05-25 10:21:17.732 [INFO][1] StartClientHost()
2019-05-25 10:21:17.732 [INFO][1] Starting remoting service
2019-05-25 10:21:17.958 [DEBUG][1] Using 'NPVR TS Reader 4'
2019-05-25 10:21:18.219 [INFO][3] Online check reports version info:
<?xml version="1.0"?><version><component name="NextPVR" version="4.2.4" buildDate="190307" display="NextPVR 4.2.4"><url>https://forums.nextpvr.com/showthread.php?61173-4-2-4-available-(7th-March)</url><installer>https://nextpvr.com/NPVRSetup_4_2_4_190307.exe</installer></component></version>
2019-05-25 10:21:18.219 [INFO][3] current online version: 4.2.4 (190307)
2019-05-25 10:21:18.219 [INFO][3] last notified version: 4.2.4 (190307)
2019-05-25 10:21:23.548 [DEBUG][1] About to render demux (serviceType=1)
2019-05-25 10:21:23.548 [DEBUG][1] RenderDemux(all-pins)
2019-05-25 10:21:23.550 [DEBUG][1] No audio mapped. Will default to MPEG1 Layer II.
2019-05-25 10:21:24.051 [DEBUG][1] restoring last aspect ratio
2019-05-25 10:21:24.056 [DEBUG][1] Playback graph running...
2019-05-25 10:21:24.057 [DEBUG][1] Graph filter list:
2019-05-25 10:21:24.058 [DEBUG][1] - NPVR TS Reader 4
2019-05-25 10:21:24.075 [DEBUG][1] Hiding OSD.
2019-05-25 10:21:24.094 [DEBUG][1] GetEventCode() returned: 0x000d
2019-05-25 10:21:27.717 [DEBUG][1] Client about to request renewal of handle: 170001
2019-05-25 10:21:28.930 [DEBUG][1] Updating OSD.
2019-05-25 10:21:29.525 [DEBUG][1] Frame Render Rate=30.8534622192383
2019-05-25 10:21:32.604 [DEBUG][1] LiveTvPlayer.OnKeyDown() called: NumPad3
2019-05-25 10:21:32.639 [DEBUG][1] Updating OSD.
2019-05-25 10:21:32.861 [DEBUG][1] LiveTvPlayer.OnKeyDown() called: NumPad7
2019-05-25 10:21:32.965 [DEBUG][1] Updating OSD.
2019-05-25 10:21:33.835 [DEBUG][1] Updating OSD.
2019-05-25 10:21:34.377 [DEBUG][1] auto changing channels after 1516.55297851563ms
2019-05-25 10:21:34.378 [DEBUG][1] Looking for: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Media\Channels\QUEST.png
2019-05-25 10:21:34.378 [DEBUG][1] Looking for: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Media\Channels\QUEST.jpg
2019-05-25 10:21:34.378 [DEBUG][1] Looking for: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Media\Channels\QUEST.jpeg
2019-05-25 10:21:34.378 [DEBUG][1] Looking for: C:\Users\Public\NPVR\Media\Channels\QUEST.gif
2019-05-25 10:21:34.416 [DEBUG][1] Updating OSD.
2019-05-25 10:21:34.460 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@1 (QUEST)
2019-05-25 10:21:34.460 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@2
2019-05-25 10:21:34.461 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@3
2019-05-25 10:21:34.461 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@4
2019-05-25 10:21:36.065 [DEBUG][1] Client got streaming handle: 170002
2019-05-25 10:21:36.065 [DEBUG][1] service type is: 1
2019-05-25 10:21:36.065 [DEBUG][1] CaptureSource.LoadAll()
2019-05-25 10:21:36.066 [DEBUG][1] StartLiveTV@5 (servicetype=1)