2021-01-07, 05:36 AM
(2021-01-07, 05:13 AM)mvallevand Wrote: I believe this is the same as the issue crashing the linux server on stop. Anything else in the Windows event viewer at that time?
After that I do see it timing out a few times in Kodi and then exiting knewc here
2021-01-06 21:34:20.805 T:2531214192 INFO: Python interpreter stopped
knewc has no control at that point. I don't know what was up a n Kodi but eventually it looks like you are in Kodi screensaver mode for several more minutes until you hit ok.
2021-01-06 21:39:20.461 T:2531214192 DEBUG: pimon hdmi screensaver: onInit
2021-01-06 21:43:26.378 T:2934961008 DEBUG: LIRC: - NEW 160 0 KEY_OK devinput (KEY_OK)
When you hit OK it looks like you got back into UI client mode. It looks like knewc is doing what is supposed to in timeout conditions.
Nothing in the Windows event viewer. And the server didn't actually crash. In fact, there were at least a couple of recordings going on during that time.
And, yes, during that period around 21:33/21:34 when I kept getting the timeouts, I basically stopped and started gathering logs to send you.

When I looked at the nrecord.log after we were able to get back in at 21:43, I did notice that during that "in-between time" one of the recordings had completed. I don't know if that had anything to do with the new connection working after that. I doubt it, but you never know.