2005-12-07, 12:19 AM
I tried a couple utilities, mixed results.
I tried restream mentioned above and it requires demux'ing first, so it's no better than what I already have.
Next, I tried MPEG-Corrector http://www.dvdhelp.us/index.html?html/tutmpegheadercorrector.html~mainFrame
. This is nice because it's one simple executable and doens't require temp files, but it has a couple problems. First, it's GUI-only so it's no good for a batch process. Second, even though it did rewrite the file with correct time stamps, it tagged the file at MPEG1 instead of MPEG2. Realplayer and Windows Media Player choked on it because of that, Nero's Showtime handled it ok. I didn't bother in gbpvr.
So, still looking...
I tried restream mentioned above and it requires demux'ing first, so it's no better than what I already have.
Next, I tried MPEG-Corrector http://www.dvdhelp.us/index.html?html/tutmpegheadercorrector.html~mainFrame
. This is nice because it's one simple executable and doens't require temp files, but it has a couple problems. First, it's GUI-only so it's no good for a batch process. Second, even though it did rewrite the file with correct time stamps, it tagged the file at MPEG1 instead of MPEG2. Realplayer and Windows Media Player choked on it because of that, Nero's Showtime handled it ok. I didn't bother in gbpvr.
So, still looking...