2010-06-26, 03:14 AM
carpeVideo Wrote:Don't know about those technicalities - but you certainly can't legally decrypt those channels that you haven't paid for
sending satellite and cellular signals into all of our bodies and brains 24hrs/day is more illegal. as long as they're sending the signal into your home/space, you can do what ever the hell you want. of course big business now dictates all the rules (and governments) in our lives, so just don't go bragging to everyone. For starters, you can see each channel transmitted listed in Windows Media Center (win7). Now you just need to compare the encrypted signal (going into your home) for that channel(maybe all channels the same?) with the signal after it's decrypted (which is what is seen coming out of a legit cable box. Any modern pc/quad and some simple software should do.
TV programming use to free b/c it was all paid for via advertising/commercials. Now oddly, we still have that, although more than ever, yet we all now have to pay an arm and a leg as well. It's one or the other, not both. Almost as jacked up as using public tax money to build a toll road! If we're going to pay at all, then all commercials must go.