2012-09-26, 04:21 AM
sub Wrote:wilee, do you have your set top box set to output a fixed resolution?
I now remember that we stopped and started the HDPVR on channel change for a couple of reasons.
- in the early days the HDPVR drivers often used to lockup if it's ir blaster was used while it was capturing
- also there was a risk the resolution would change, which used to result in broken files coming from the HDPVR (where the first few seconds were one resolution, then the STB would eventually start delivering the new resolution, and you'd end up with streams with both).
I might be able to add an option to not stop HDPVR on channel change, and we'll see if it helps.
I've always seen the HDPVR style devices as a good device for recording, but pretty poor for live tv since you need to depend on slow ir blasters etc.
Yes, I have the STB set to a resolution of 1280x720 specifically because of the issue you mentioned.
We could try it and see if it works correctly, if not we can remove it.
Edit: I also agree about the HDPVR being a recording device, but unfortunately it's the only way in the US to get all of our HD channels into a media center.