2015-04-29, 09:00 AM
Here is the code I use
You have to look in npvr.db3's Recorders table to find the tuners ID that correspond to its name, the ID is passed as %4.
If %4==20 set recorder="Cinergy C PCI Digital Tuner"
If %4==86 set recorder="Cinergy HTC USB XS"
If %4==90 set recorder="Astrometa DVB-C Tuner #1"
If %4==93 set recorder="Astrometa DVB-C Tuner #2"
If %4==89 set recorder="AF9015 BDA Filter DVB-T"
If %4==95 set recorder="Astrometa DVB-C Tuner #3"
If %4==85 set recorder="IPTV Device"
echo ^<Tuner^>%recorder%^</Tuner^> >> "%~dpn1.xml"
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"