OK ... so here goes. I installed a new copy of NEXTPVR and also Kodi Kosher. I ran the live TV through Kodi and it crashed again due to the NPVR losing connectivity as per my messages above.
Hopefully I have attached the correct logs for you to take a look at.
Many Thanks again for your patience.
Sorry, but you might need to enable debug logging in Kodi, and repeat the process and repost the logs. It's missing the detailed logging for NextPVR addon.
mvallevand Wrote:If you switch on timeshift mode does it help? The web server is keeping 2 live tv channels running
2015-12-02 08:59:50.445 [DEBUG][26] Live TV handle: 0x140003
2015-12-02 08:59:50.814 [DEBUG][26] Renew lease ok (0x140003)
2015-12-02 08:59:50.815 [DEBUG][26] Renew lease ok (0x140003)
2015-12-02 09:00:00.341 [DEBUG][26] Renew lease ok (0x140002)
Hi ... Yes I did try turning off the timeshift mode some time back when I was trying different options as I read it in a post. It did not seem to work at that time.
I have attached a new set of logs following the Debugging Process.
Many Thanks
It looks like the web server is crashing and restarting. Maybe check the event log for errors. Also is it possible that you don't have any recordings? Maybe make a small recording and see if that helps.
Hi again ... in reply to a suggestion two threads back. I did two recordings last evening and both recorded perfectly. However .......... it has made no difference with regards the tuner crashing out when Live TV is started.