2016-07-20, 07:32 PM
I use HandbrakeCLI. I call a batch file in PostProcessing.
The code below is saved under c:\users\public\NPVR\tools and is named HBcovertTS.bat
I then call it in PostProcessing.bat as
The code I use is:
Play around with the different Handbrake presets (I use "High Profile") to get the results you want.
Oh, to do a recursive search of recording already in your PVR, I use the following code that I found on How-to-batch-convert-multiplex-any-files-with-ffmpeg: Of course I adapted it for my HandbrakeCLI command.
To create a batch file just create a text file with notepad then change whatever.txt to whatever.bat.
The code below is saved under c:\users\public\NPVR\tools and is named HBcovertTS.bat
I then call it in PostProcessing.bat as
Call :LOGMSG Now trying to convert %FILENAME% TS to MP4
Call "C:\Users\Public\NPVR\tools\HBconvertTS.bat" %1
Call :LOGMSG Finished Converting
The code I use is:
set hb_dir=E:\handbrake
"%hb_dir%\HandBrakeCLI.exe" -i %1 -o "%~dpn1.mp4" --preset="High Profile"
Play around with the different Handbrake presets (I use "High Profile") to get the results you want.
Oh, to do a recursive search of recording already in your PVR, I use the following code that I found on How-to-batch-convert-multiplex-any-files-with-ffmpeg: Of course I adapted it for my HandbrakeCLI command.
@echo off
dir/b/s *.*ts >mkvlist.txt
for /F "delims=;" %%F in (mkvlist.txt) do e:\handbrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe -i "%%F" -o "%%~dF%%~pF%%~nF.mp4" --preset="High Profile"
del mkvlist.txt
To create a batch file just create a text file with notepad then change whatever.txt to whatever.bat.