2017-03-06, 07:14 PM
Looks like your trigger is wrong in Emby https://emby.media/community/index.php?/...ntry428386 if you shutdown you Emby server.
2017-03-06, 07:14 PM
Looks like your trigger is wrong in Emby https://emby.media/community/index.php?/...ntry428386 if you shutdown you Emby server.
2017-03-07, 03:17 PM
I don't have any problems with Kodi and the guide. The only issue I have is with Emby livetv/guide. I've set it to refresh every eight hours as well as after the NextPVR guide update. That should take care of the guide being kept up to date. Why the CPU gets maxed out by nrecord.exe during livetv playback using Emby, essentially locking the pc, is a persistent problem that I have never found any reason for it happening, and it's repeatable so it must be something. Thanks for your assistance.
2017-03-07, 04:56 PM
DParsons Wrote:\Why the CPU gets maxed out by nrecord.exe during livetv playback using Emby, essentially locking the pc, is a persistent problem that I have never found any reason for it happening, and it's repeatable so it must be something.You'd need to post the logs when the problem is happening, and let us know what time, so we know exactly where to look at in the logs.
2017-03-07, 05:24 PM
The last set of logs I posted are exactly what you are requesting. The exact time it started I can't remember specifically (plus I'm never positive that is what is happening until I see my home pc's task manager; it just becomes unresponsive remotely as an indication to me) but it would have been nearly the last event(s) that appear on the log before I copied them. I posted both NextPVR and Emby logs as soon as I could after it last happened. That is the common response I keep getting to this and why I made the last post with both logs immediately after it had happened was specifically for the reason of having logs posted immediately after it last happened. I stated that in the post that should be further up this thread. They are from yesterday at 10:53am, http://forums.nextpvr.com/showthread.php...mby-livetv.
2017-03-07, 05:55 PM
Those logs didn't show the Emby playback problem (which I still believe is related to trancoding) the most recent logs you showed didn't request any EPG listing so therefore an empty guide is strictly an Emby problem. You do need to follow this though https://emby.media/community/index.php?/...ntry428386 the 8 hour updates won't help.
At one time you did send logs where UJB's JSON didn't return any channel listing and that it what I am trying to diagnose now and why I have asked for logs to see if that scenario happens again. If you could shut down Kodi while diagnosing this that would help. Martin
2017-03-07, 05:58 PM
DParsons Wrote:The exact time it started I can't remember specifically (plus I'm never positive that is what is happening until I see my home pc's task manager; it just becomes unresponsive remotely as an indication to me) but it would have been nearly the last event(s) that appear on the log before I copied them. I posted both NextPVR and Emby logs as soon as I could after it last happened.The nrecord.exe had been running for half an hour in that last set of logs you posted, and doing absolutely nothing. It hadn't done any recordings etc since starting. I think you should post the logs when it happens next, along with a time when the CPU was being maxed out (so we know we're looking at the correct spot in the logs). Was task manager showing nrecord.exe as using all the CPU, or was it one of the other processes like NDigitalHost.exe etc? The recording service doesn't tend to do too much itself (except at EPG update time, or when doing an analog recording), so it'd be unusual for it to be using much CPU.
2017-03-07, 07:12 PM
It is never actually recording anything ever time it has occurred. The streaming of livetv alone causes it to glitch and then use 99% of the CPU by itself with no other programs using any significant percentage of the CPU. It's running all by itself is apparently the problem that keeps happening, that is approximately how long it had been since it started and when I ended the process. It does seem like an unusual problem since it seems like this only ever happens with my system or setup not sure why this is a problem for me. It's obviously some interaction with Emby and NextpPVR. That has to be the correct spot in the logs that you are looking because that is when it happened and you are describing what does happen. I think these sets of logs are as good as I'm ever likely to get. I've been reporting on this same issue and posting logs about it for what must be nearly a year now.
2017-03-07, 07:19 PM
What is your CPU usage with LiveTV in Kodi when timeshifting is turned off? That Kodi method uses the same as called Emby.
2017-03-07, 08:06 PM
DParsons Wrote:It is never actually recording anything ever time it has occurred. The streaming of livetv alone causes it to glitch and then use 99% of the CPU by itself with no other programs using any significant percentage of the CPU.It hadn't even streamed live tv in that latest half hour nrecord.log. It literally had done nothing (the recording service had been restarted and sat there for half an hour doing nothing), so I'm not convinced these logs are from when the issue was happening. Did you actually look in the task manager and see nrecord.exe was the process using the CPU, or was it some other process - like ffmpeg.exe or ndigitalhost.exe etc?
2017-03-07, 08:16 PM
Sub his more relevant thread to the CPU problem is here http://forums.nextpvr.com/showthread.php...tilization
Martin |