Like many others, I need to use PostProcess,bat, but I also wish to rename the recording to include Episode. I would like to propose a way to return the new recording name back to the PostProcess.bat.
In your addepisode.au3, if you change the recording name:
FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\NewFileName.bat","Set new=" & $NewFileName)
then in PostProcess.bat an example:
@echo off
set new=%1
addepisode.exe %1 "{show}{[-(]}{episode}{[)]}-{monthnameshort}-{day}-{yearshort}"
if EXIST NewFileName.bat goto OK
goto nonew
:ok <= This should read: Colon followed by ok
call NewFileName.bat
del NewFileName.bat
"D:\Program Files\AutoXvid\AutoXvid.exe" %new%
If your program creates the NewFileName.bat, my program gets the new name.
In your addepisode.au3, if you change the recording name:
FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\NewFileName.bat","Set new=" & $NewFileName)
then in PostProcess.bat an example:
@echo off
set new=%1
addepisode.exe %1 "{show}{[-(]}{episode}{[)]}-{monthnameshort}-{day}-{yearshort}"
if EXIST NewFileName.bat goto OK
goto nonew
:ok <= This should read: Colon followed by ok
call NewFileName.bat
del NewFileName.bat
"D:\Program Files\AutoXvid\AutoXvid.exe" %new%
If your program creates the NewFileName.bat, my program gets the new name.