2017-01-04, 03:56 AM
mvallevand Wrote:I doubt it the pull request is closed https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/11318thanks. I think I'll just content myself with Kodi 16.1 then until I decide to get some other Kodi-capable device or work out a good way to get my new TV to play recordings directly. I had tried to pick up a few different TV's on clearance at Fry's that would've run Fred250's webclient app, but I couldn't get checked out fast enough to claim any of them.
With no major Android developers on Kodi, little interest in any x86 Android devices and the fact that Nexus Player is dead and it never was a favoured Koldi player anyway I wouldn't hold high expectations.
server: NextPVR 5.0.7/Win10 2004/64-bit/AMD A6-7400k/hvr-2250 & hvr-1250/Winegard Flatwave antenna/Schedules Direct
main client: NextPVR 5.0.7 Desktop Client; LG 50UH5500 WebOS 3.0 TV
main client: NextPVR 5.0.7 Desktop Client; LG 50UH5500 WebOS 3.0 TV