2009-03-22, 07:55 AM
Just tried installing today, with the latest Ultra files downloaded today (1.2.127). Running Vista, 32-bit. When I first got that message, I went back to the Ultra wiki page, and downloaded the VB SP6 files. When I installed, it ended with a message that said the VB stuff "may not" have installed correctly. What? Tell me yes, or no, not "maybe not". So, I'm not sure they did install, but I get the error message the same after I went through that exercise. I did read that the VB sp6 runtime stuff is supposed to be fully supported in Vista. Is this just a case of me needing those run-time libraries, and them likely not getting installed correctly, or is perhaps something else going on?
Full text of the error:
'Run-tim error '26001':
"Failed to set registry value Key: '-214783646',Section:
'Software\UltraXMLTV\UltraXMLTV_Enhancer',Key: 'LoggingLevel' to
value: "
Full text of the error:
'Run-tim error '26001':
"Failed to set registry value Key: '-214783646',Section:
'Software\UltraXMLTV\UltraXMLTV_Enhancer',Key: 'LoggingLevel' to
value: "