2009-07-27, 12:48 AM
This is awesome, you are Da Man!!! My wife was so excited to see the Exit and Channel (Page) Up/Down buttons work on the MVP remote she almost hopped out of the chair! Thank you for all the hard work, you've really made her day.
Thanks again,
This is awesome, you are Da Man!!! My wife was so excited to see the Exit and Channel (Page) Up/Down buttons work on the MVP remote she almost hopped out of the chair! Thank you for all the hard work, you've really made her day.
Thanks again,
Server: Ryzen 5 3600 3.6GHz: 16GB RAM: ASRock Phantom D/RX570: SDD: 512GB HDDs: 5TB, 8TB, 8TB
Linux Mint v20, NPVR v5.1.3.210711
Tuners: Hauppauge PVR-2250-MC Dual Tuner, HDHR Duo ATSC Tuner
Clients: Knewc on CE-ODroid N2 x2, N2+, LE-RPi4, PCs x2
Linux Mint v20, NPVR v5.1.3.210711
Tuners: Hauppauge PVR-2250-MC Dual Tuner, HDHR Duo ATSC Tuner
Clients: Knewc on CE-ODroid N2 x2, N2+, LE-RPi4, PCs x2