2007-02-16, 07:07 PM
There are now two methods for getting the rss data. You can get it
The static files put less load on your server than dynamically generating the data and would be just about as accurate if you are running the utility after recordings and EPG updates. The only exception being pending and failed recordings may not be accurate if a recording is in progress or has failed since the last successful recording. In-Progress recordings would never be accurate unless you also use the parallelprocess.bat file.
If you want to use an RSS reader software to poll your system for updates to completed recordings, then the static xml will reduce the load on your box. This may be important for lower end hardware.
The dynamic page would be the best option for looking for those conflicts, or in-progress recordings.
- dynamically from the rss.aspx web page,
- or you can generate static xml files.
The static files put less load on your server than dynamically generating the data and would be just about as accurate if you are running the utility after recordings and EPG updates. The only exception being pending and failed recordings may not be accurate if a recording is in progress or has failed since the last successful recording. In-Progress recordings would never be accurate unless you also use the parallelprocess.bat file.
If you want to use an RSS reader software to poll your system for updates to completed recordings, then the static xml will reduce the load on your box. This may be important for lower end hardware.
The dynamic page would be the best option for looking for those conflicts, or in-progress recordings.
PVR PC: Win2K3, Athlon x2 64 4600+, 1280MB Ram, 40+400 GB HD's, Gigabyte Network
PVR-250, ATSC-110 digital x2, GBPVR v1.3.7 w/SQLite DB
Extras: Addepisode 41, Comskip 79.46, EWA 76, Zaptools
DSM-520 (D-Link Media Lounge) FW 1.04 using TVersity Media Server
DSM-320 (D-Link Media Lounge) FW 1.09
More specs
PVR PC: Win2K3, Athlon x2 64 4600+, 1280MB Ram, 40+400 GB HD's, Gigabyte Network
PVR-250, ATSC-110 digital x2, GBPVR v1.3.7 w/SQLite DB
Extras: Addepisode 41, Comskip 79.46, EWA 76, Zaptools
DSM-520 (D-Link Media Lounge) FW 1.04 using TVersity Media Server
DSM-320 (D-Link Media Lounge) FW 1.09
More specs