mvallevand Wrote:I have no idea if the Hauppauge dongle does this, I've never had any success.
For mvpmc if you use the 0709 dongle that should be fine, there hasn't been any changes to the nightly since 07. The "tip" would be you must start emulation mode first and then use the Go Back to get the main mvpmc menu. To test power down your pc and re-enter emulation mode, the WOL packet should be sent to a saved MAC address.
The best way to do this is with an mvpmc command line because it lets you customize some WOL parameters. For more info on mvpmc please go to the mvpmc sub-forum.
thanks for the valuable input. Indeed if I do what you just have described, the WOL functionality is working. It just first needs a 1 time selection of the emulation mode to save the MAC address I suppose and I didn't notice that before.
Alright so mvpmc is the way to go to wake up my PC remotely, it works, and I didn't have to program something extra from a command line which by the way I didn't figure out yet as I don't know Linux ...

I now have to test which of the overnight versions is the most stable as in emulation mode version 0709 seems to reboot now and then and some other minor things didn't work out correctly. I just need to find some time now to play with it and go over to the mvpmc forum to post my findings.
For the moment a mvpmc version with only emulation would be fine and I've tried in the mvpmc startup settings to go straight into emulation after start up but it didn't work. I always come first to the mvpmc menu and then have to manually select emulation. Maybe with emulation mode only the dongle doesn't consume that much memory on the MVP box and could be more stable but I gues it's still something I have to figure out ...

Anyway, great, WOL is working!