2007-08-20, 02:30 PM
jsteele Wrote:Right now we are just brining the analog basic cable into a PVR150MCE but the HDTV signal is there also.It is possible that the cable company is also sending digital through the cable, at least mine does. Ask on the forums for your company, if it has one; try
If you do have digital, the best choice I have found is the Silicondust HDHomeRun. You will find a lot of info on it here and the Silicondust forum. It works great with GB-PVR. It is an external box that connects via your router, so it does not require a PCI card. I have used the ATI 550 and ATI 650 cards for analog, but much prefer the HDHomeRun now, though it is strictly digital. It is only the local channels that must be carried unencrypted. There may be additional ones unencrypted also, but it varies by cable company.
HDHomeRun Prime, Win7 64-bit, NPVR 3.4.8