2008-03-29, 01:52 AM
Hi JW,
I have finally got around to finishing GameZone2 and I hit upon an issue when I changed from UIhelper to the latest on the wiki
prior to the chnage everything is working fine.
First of all it seems gbpvr looks in the plugins directory and then looks in common for the UIhelper dll.
I can put UIhelper in the gamezone plugin directory and all is well again but that is not really a long term solution.
The fault seems to be around the buttonlist, when I first enter the plugin if I select a button it operates correctly but the second or subsequent button selection either throw me out of gamezone or do not appear to do anything.
It doesnt matter which button(s) I press its always the same pattern; fine, then throw out.
Here is the pvrx2.exe log showing the button called "back" being pressed:
Here is the routine referenced in the error.
I have finally got around to finishing GameZone2 and I hit upon an issue when I changed from UIhelper to the latest on the wiki
prior to the chnage everything is working fine.
First of all it seems gbpvr looks in the plugins directory and then looks in common for the UIhelper dll.
I can put UIhelper in the gamezone plugin directory and all is well again but that is not really a long term solution.
The fault seems to be around the buttonlist, when I first enter the plugin if I select a button it operates correctly but the second or subsequent button selection either throw me out of gamezone or do not appear to do anything.
It doesnt matter which button(s) I press its always the same pattern; fine, then throw out.
Here is the pvrx2.exe log showing the button called "back" being pressed:
2008-03-29 12:31:59.328 VERBOSE [1] GameZone: Entering Control_OnKeyDown, command rx = Back
2008-03-29 12:31:59.328 VERBOSE [1] GameZone: Command Received as per keymappings = GameZone_Enter
2008-03-29 12:31:59.328 VERBOSE [1] GameZone: Initfilelist routine entered
2008-03-29 12:31:59.328 VERBOSE [1] GameZone: Entering UpdateFilelabels
2008-03-29 12:31:59.328 VERBOSE [1] getValue cached value: /settings/ActiveSkin : blue
2008-03-29 12:31:59.328 VERBOSE [1] GameZone: Displaying file C:\Program Files\Devnz\GBPVR\skin2\blue\gamezone\GameZone.jpg
2008-03-29 12:31:59.328 VERBOSE [1] getValue cached value: /settings/ActiveSkin : blue
2008-03-29 12:31:59.328 VERBOSE [1] GameZone: Initfilelist routine exited
2008-03-29 12:31:59.328 VERBOSE [1] WizUiButton: constructor- loading /settings/Placements/Placement[@name="ButtonList"]
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] ReturnToMainMenu()
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] GameZone is currently active
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] GameZone.Deactivate() called
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] GameZone: Deactivated
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] GameZone: Exited Deactivated
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] GameZone: Entering GetRenderList routine
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] currentIndex = 0 detailsViewVisibleIndex = 0
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] LIST: Using cached image-ListBox1(0)
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] LIST: Using cached image-ListBox1(0)
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] LIST: Using cached image-ListBox1(0)
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] LIST: Using cached image-ListBox1(0)
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] LIST: Using cached image-ListBox1(0)
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] Will get render list this time
2008-03-29 12:31:59.437 VERBOSE [1] GameZone: Exiting GetRenderList routine
2008-03-29 12:31:59.453 VERBOSE [1] ReturnToMainMenu()@2
2008-03-29 12:31:59.453 VERBOSE [1] System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid.
at System.Drawing.Image.get_RawFormat()
at System.Drawing.Graphics.IgnoreMetafileErrors(Image image, Int32& errorStatus)
at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(Image image, Single x, Single y, Single width, Single height)
at GBPVRX2.SkinHelper2.getNamedImage(Image image, String name, Hashtable parameters, XmlNode fromNode)
at GBPVRX2.SkinHelper2.getNamedImage(String name, Hashtable parameters)
at GBPVRX2.UiSupport.UiButton..ctor(SkinHelper2 skinHelper2, String name, RectangleF position, String normalButtonImageName, String selectedButtonImageName, Hashtable args)
at GBPVRX2.UiSupport.UiButton..ctor(SkinHelper2 skinHelper2, String name, RectangleF position, String normalButtonImageName, String selectedButtonImageName)
at WizUtilities.WizUiHelper.WizUiButton..ctor(SkinHelper2 skinHelper, String placementName, String caption, String normalImageName, String selectedImageName, Int32 index)
at WizUtilities.WizUiHelper.WizUiButtonList..ctor(SkinHelper2 skinHelper, String placementName, String[] captions, String normalImageName, String selectedImageName, CommandCallback callback)
at WizUtilities.WizUiHelper.WizUiButtonList..ctor(SkinHelper2 skinHelper, String placementName, String[] captions)
at GameZone.GameZone.GameZoneTask.SetWizButtons()
at GameZone.GameZone.GameZoneTask.Controls_OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
at GameZone.GameZone.GameZoneTask.OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
at GBPVRX2.MenuTask.x9006c1ed9ccb79de.OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
at GBPVRX2.x0061b801bdf12d35.xdae9991ab918b397(Object xdf2e3583f942db7b, KeyEventArgs xc4f45905cb1fc7ba)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ProcessKeyEventArgs(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ProcessKeyMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmKeyChar(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
at GBPVRX2.x0061b801bdf12d35.WndProc(Message& m)
2008-03-29 12
Here is the routine referenced in the error.
Public Sub SetWizButtons()
Dim captions As String() = DirectCast(menuButtons.ToArray(GetType(String)), String())
cmdButtonList = New WizUiButtonList(skinHelper, "ButtonList", captions)
End Sub