I updated the RecoverRecordings.bat file for the changes in newer versions.
[had to take out redundant first line of xml]
if you use a ntfs recording drive and lose your database,this can build a recording-dump.xml you can import back in by looking at the show:metadata.xml file attached on each...
To use: just stick it in your recordings dir and run it..it will create a recordings-dump.xml in that dir that you can then import from config.exe or command line pvrx2.
Checks for any files with metadata,.mpg,.ts.avi.wmv
fairly simple and foolproof....lol![Big Grin Big Grin](https://forums.nextpvr.com/images/smilies/biggrin.png)
also can be run from a net dir..still trying to figure out how to alter the path to net paths while i import..maybe soon..
[convert e:\mpg to \\server\share]
Fixed: paths with spaces now corrected..
[had to take out redundant first line of xml]
if you use a ntfs recording drive and lose your database,this can build a recording-dump.xml you can import back in by looking at the show:metadata.xml file attached on each...
To use: just stick it in your recordings dir and run it..it will create a recordings-dump.xml in that dir that you can then import from config.exe or command line pvrx2.
Checks for any files with metadata,.mpg,.ts.avi.wmv
fairly simple and foolproof....lol
![Big Grin Big Grin](https://forums.nextpvr.com/images/smilies/biggrin.png)
@echo off
set out=%~dp0
echo. Generating Recording Import data for all recordings in %out% to
echo. %out%\recording-dump.xml
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ("<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>") DO ECHO %%i> "%out%\recording-dump.xml"
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ("<recordings>") DO ECHO %%i>> "%out%\recording-dump.xml"
FOR /R %out% %%f IN (*.mpg *.ts *.avi *.wmv) DO (call :extract "%%~f")
rem :: more < %%f:metadata.xml >> "%out%\recording-dump.xml"
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ("</recordings>") DO ECHO %%i>> "%out%\recording-dump.xml"
echo Done.
echo No metadata.xml found attached to above files..all others imported.
notepad.exe %out%\recording-dump.xml
goto :eof
for /f "usebackq tokens=* skip=1" %%p in ("%~1:metadata.xml") do (
if "%%p" == "<recording>" (
echo %%p>>%out%\recording-dump.xml
) else (
if "%%p" == "</recording>" (echo %%p>>"%out%\recording-dump.xml") else (
echo %%p>>"%out%\recording-dump.xml")
goto :eof
![Wink Wink](https://forums.nextpvr.com/images/smilies/wink.png)
Fixed: paths with spaces now corrected..
Hardware: HDHR Prime, HDPVR 1212, Raspberry pi2, VFD display w/LCDSmartie