2009-03-18, 05:26 PM
Great plugin, searched and can't find if it is possible to save a recording session (as in save project). Be pretty handy for me and I imagine others as sometimes I don't finish cutting and polishing or after burning (perhaps few days, weeks), I want to change something about the recording. Also a dvd may become damaged and I'de rather not go through the work twice. Perhaps save the structure and edl's to a text file with the possibility to reload (open) it later. Please let me know if I am more braindead than normal and just overlooked something. Also keep up the great work, been playin for a while and haven't had a need to post, appologize for no intro or hello in the past, keep up the great work and the past answers got me through, bit painful chasing a working config. Let me know if I can help somehow, I barely know english and can't even copy code but if there is something I can do let me know.