2009-05-08, 11:26 AM
So yes, I still have only the MVP. Since I only have SD sets, and Analog cable, things have been good enough for me.
First, the Alpha dongle from September of 2008 is still the final release for the MVP, correct?
Second, My GBPVR server IP changed. (Extended power outage) When I used to turn on my MVP with the the MVPMC dongle, it would boot straight into emulation mode. Now it doesn't. My server used to be, now it's Now when I power on the MVP, it boots to the MVPMC menu, then if I click the Emulation mode button, it starts right into GBPVR
I've tried to update the config.xml file, and I've tried playing with the menu on the MVPMC dongle screen.
Last question. I'm running Vista. Is the correct MUX for me to be using the "TS MUX". I've been having alot of "skipping" problems. (I'm now running a E8400 DualCore 3Ghz, 4Gb of ram, and 7200RPM SATA drive in SATA mode, I used to run a P4 2.0Ghz 2GB of RAM, 7200RPM IDE drive, and I didn't have this problem.)
Here is my config.xml file MVP section: (My MVP's MAC-000DFE08D263)
First, the Alpha dongle from September of 2008 is still the final release for the MVP, correct?
Second, My GBPVR server IP changed. (Extended power outage) When I used to turn on my MVP with the the MVPMC dongle, it would boot straight into emulation mode. Now it doesn't. My server used to be, now it's Now when I power on the MVP, it boots to the MVPMC menu, then if I click the Emulation mode button, it starts right into GBPVR
I've tried to update the config.xml file, and I've tried playing with the menu on the MVPMC dongle screen.
Last question. I'm running Vista. Is the correct MUX for me to be using the "TS MUX". I've been having alot of "skipping" problems. (I'm now running a E8400 DualCore 3Ghz, 4Gb of ram, and 7200RPM SATA drive in SATA mode, I used to run a P4 2.0Ghz 2GB of RAM, 7200RPM IDE drive, and I didn't have this problem.)
Here is my config.xml file MVP section: (My MVP's MAC-000DFE08D263)
<!-- MVP Settings -->
<MvpmcStartupConfig>mvpmc --startup emulate --emulate &</MvpmcStartupConfig>
<MVPFFmpegTranscodeCmdLinePAL>-y -i "{SOURCE_FILE}" -b 2400k -ar 48000 -ac 2 -ab 128 -r 25 -s 352x288 -f svcd "{DEST_FILE}"</MVPFFmpegTranscodeCmdLinePAL>
<MVPFFmpegTranscodeCmdLineNTSC>-y -i "{SOURCE_FILE}" -b 2400k -ar 48000 -ac 2 -ab 128 -r 29.97 -s 352x240 -f svcd "{DEST_FILE}"</MVPFFmpegTranscodeCmdLineNTSC>
<MVPFFmpegTranscodeToMP3>-y -i "{SOURCE_FILE}" -ab 224 "{DEST_FILE}"</MVPFFmpegTranscodeToMP3>
<MVPFFmpegTranscodeTS>-y -i "{SOURCE_FILE}" -vcodec copy -acodec copy {DEST_FILE}</MVPFFmpegTranscodeTS>
<!-- this functionality is not complete yet, so dont attempt to use it -->
<!-- pal/ntsc/auto -->
<!-- none/high/medium/low -->
<!-- true/false -->
<!-- 0=RGB,1=composite,2=svideo -->
<!-- position -->