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I stumbled upon some hard to find HID/mce remote info and have found a way to program windows itself to spit out any codes you wish..
USB HID to PS/2 Scan Code Translation Table
with a simple reg change i changed my mce remote to send control-b and F7 for aspect on the # and * keys...with no software loaded!
no HIP, eventghost, IRremote.ini, nohing to startup, nada...
basically there's a scan code translation table that windows uses and is in the irbus.inf that provides all that's needed to send the keys you wish...
that and the translation table of key codes possible..
so far i've just done those keys as proof of concept but i will be making a complete .inf with as many keys mapped as possible...
and post instructions on how to modify it for your own customizations...
[it's pretty easy actually]
to install all that's required is a click on the .reg select 'import into registry'...
this only works with mce remote selected in gbpvr config app, and if pvrx2 has focus...
to this end, [SIZE="3"]i just figured out a way to start pvrx2 and/or re-acquire focus![/SIZE] [SWEET!]
make a shortcut to pvrx2 on desktop, and set a hotkey for it [i use ctrl-alt-p] and use that as power button send code...
[also starts pvrx2 if it's not on already..]
Now on Wiki!
I stumbled upon some hard to find HID/mce remote info and have found a way to program windows itself to spit out any codes you wish..
USB HID to PS/2 Scan Code Translation Table
with a simple reg change i changed my mce remote to send control-b and F7 for aspect on the # and * keys...with no software loaded!
no HIP, eventghost, IRremote.ini, nohing to startup, nada...
basically there's a scan code translation table that windows uses and is in the irbus.inf that provides all that's needed to send the keys you wish...
that and the translation table of key codes possible..
so far i've just done those keys as proof of concept but i will be making a complete .inf with as many keys mapped as possible...
and post instructions on how to modify it for your own customizations...
[it's pretty easy actually]
to install all that's required is a click on the .reg select 'import into registry'...
this only works with mce remote selected in gbpvr config app, and if pvrx2 has focus...
to this end, [SIZE="3"]i just figured out a way to start pvrx2 and/or re-acquire focus![/SIZE] [SWEET!]
make a shortcut to pvrx2 on desktop, and set a hotkey for it [i use ctrl-alt-p] and use that as power button send code...
[also starts pvrx2 if it's not on already..]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"ReportMappingTable"=hex:01,00,00,00,04,00,1e,\ ;1
02,00,00,00,04,00,1f,\ ;2
03,00,00,00,04,00,20,\ ;3
04,00,00,00,04,00,21,\ ;4
05,00,00,00,04,00,22,\ ;5
06,00,00,00,04,00,23,\ ;6
07,00,00,00,04,00,24,\ ;7
08,00,00,00,04,00,25,\ ;8
09,00,00,00,04,00,26,\ ;9
00,00,00,00,04,00,27,\ ;0
0b,00,00,00,04,00,28,\ ;Enter - enter
0a,00,00,00,04,00,29,\ ;clear - escape
[color=Red]1d[/color],00,00,00,[color=SeaGreen]04,01,05,[/color]\ ; [color=Red]*[/color] - [color=SeaGreen] ctrl-b[/color]
[color=Red]1c[/color],00,00,00,[color=SeaGreen]04,00,40,[/color]\ ;[color=Red] # [/color] - [color=SeaGreen]F7[/color]
1f,00,00,00,04,00,51,\ ;down
1e,00,00,00,04,00,52,\ ;up
21,00,00,00,04,00,4f,\ ;right
20,00,00,00,04,00,50,\ ;left
22,00,00,00,04,00,28,\ ;OK - enter
4e,00,00,00,01,08,02,\ ;App Command - Print?
[b] 0f,00,00,00,04,01,05,\ ;info - Ctrl-b[/b]
23,00,00,00,01,24,02,\ ;ac - back
16,00,00,00,01,b0,00,\ ;ac play
18,00,00,00,01,b1,00,\ ;ac pause
17,00,00,00,01,b2,00,\ ;ac record
14,00,00,00,01,b3,00,\ ;ac ff
15,00,00,00,01,b4,00,\ ;ac rw
1a,00,00,00,01,b5,00,\ ;ac next track
1b,00,00,00,01,b6,00,\ ;ac prev track
19,00,00,00,01,b7,00,\ ;ac stop
10,00,00,00,01,e9,00,\ ;ac vol up
11,00,00,00,01,ea,00,\ ;ac vol dn
0e,00,00,00,01,e2,00,\ ;ac mute
26,00,00,00,01,8d,00,\ ;ac tvguide
12,00,00,00,01,9c,00,\ ;ac chan +
13,00,00,00,01,9d,00,\ ;ac chan -
0d,00,00,00,04,00,4a,\ ;[b]Green logo - home[/b]
[color=Red]0c[/color],00,00,00,[color=SeaGreen]04,05,13[/color] ;[color=Red]Power key[/color] - [color=SeaGreen]ctrl-alt-p[/color]
Now on Wiki!
Hardware: HDHR Prime, HDPVR 1212, Raspberry pi2, VFD display w/LCDSmartie