Here's a database search util batch file i made...can search title,subtitle,description, with wildcards
Just polished it up for general consumption, added help, fixed bullets/crlf..
Usage: dbfind.bat [-t -s -d -a] searchterm
Example: dbfind -t house
Returns: shows with exactly "house" as Title. [case insensitive]
Switches: -t=title -s=subtitle -d=description -a=all3:title,subtitle,description
Use %% as wildcard: -t house%% would return all shows that start with "house"..[similar to house*]
or -t %%house%% would return shows with "house" anywhere in the title..
or -a %%house%% would return shows with "house" anywhere in database..
results sorted by date, case insensitive, only shows in future returned..
Must have sqlite3.exe in gbpvr dir and place batch file there too..
Run with no options for full help..
It's quick and thorough..
of course odd foreign characters will trip up the input, but it should handle almost anything..[Dos]
Case Insensitive and formatted date/times output..
Had a bugger of a time with crlf's in epg data but they work now
[dang bullets]
Copy and save as dbinfo.bat or whatever.bat..
sample output with UltraXML enhanced epg:
[first output of query with cmd "Dbfind -t house"]
[Updated to fix when no subtitle exists, thanx ElihuRozen]
Just polished it up for general consumption, added help, fixed bullets/crlf..
Usage: dbfind.bat [-t -s -d -a] searchterm
Example: dbfind -t house
Returns: shows with exactly "house" as Title. [case insensitive]
Switches: -t=title -s=subtitle -d=description -a=all3:title,subtitle,description
Use %% as wildcard: -t house%% would return all shows that start with "house"..[similar to house*]
or -t %%house%% would return shows with "house" anywhere in the title..
or -a %%house%% would return shows with "house" anywhere in database..
results sorted by date, case insensitive, only shows in future returned..
Must have sqlite3.exe in gbpvr dir and place batch file there too..
Run with no options for full help..
It's quick and thorough..
of course odd foreign characters will trip up the input, but it should handle almost anything..[Dos]
Case Insensitive and formatted date/times output..
Had a bugger of a time with crlf's in epg data but they work now
[dang bullets]
Copy and save as dbinfo.bat or whatever.bat..
@echo off
set query=
set pm=AM
set hr=
set min=
if "%*"=="" goto :help
set query=%*
set query=%query:"=%
if "%query:"=%" NEQ "%query:-t =%" set like '%query:-t =%'
if "%query:"=%" NEQ "%query: -t=%" set like '%query: -t=%'
if "%query:"=%" NEQ "%query:-d =%" set query=p.description like '%query:-d =%'
if "%query:"=%" NEQ "%query: -d=%" set query=p.description like '%query: -d=%'
if "%query:"=%" NEQ "%query:-s =%" set query=p.sub_title like '%query:-s =%'
if "%query:"=%" NEQ "%query: -s=%" set query=p.sub_title like '%query: -s=%'
if "%query:"=%" NEQ "%query:-a =%" set query=( like '%query:-a =%' or p.description like '%query:-a =%' or p.sub_title like '%query:-a =%')
if "%query:"=%" NEQ "%query: -a=%" set query=( like '%query: -a=%' or p.description like '%query: -a=%' or p.sub_title like '%query: -a=%')
echo Searching for show with %query%
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6,* delims=|" %%b in (`sqlite3 -separator "|" gbpvr.db3 "SELECT strftime('%%m-%%d',p.start_time), strftime('%%H',p.start_time), strftime('%%M',p.start_time), c.display_name,, p.sub_title, p.description FROM programme as p inner join channel as c on p.channel_oid = c.oid where start_time > date('now') and %query% order by p.start_time; " `) do (
if not "%%e" EQU "" (echo. && echo Hit Control-c to cancel or && pause) else (echo %%b )
if not "%%e" EQU "" cls && echo. && echo.
rem fix time, add am/pm
if %%c GTR 11 (set /a hr=%%c-12
set pm=PM
) else (
set hr=%%c)
if %%c EQU 0 (set hr=12
set pm=AM)
if %%c EQU 12 (set hr=12
set pm=PM)
if not "%%e" EQU "" echo %%b !hr!:%%d!pm! CH-%%e
if not "%%f" EQU "" echo [%%f]
if not "%%g" EQU "" if "%%h" EQU "" (echo "No Sub" && echo. && echo %%g && echo.) else (echo "%%g" && echo.)
if not "%%h" EQU "" echo %%h
goto :eof
echo Usage: %0 [-t -s -d -a] searchterm
echo Example: %~n0 -t house
echo Returns: shows with exactly "house" as Title. [case insensitive]
echo Switches: -t=title -s=subtitle -d=description -a=all3:title,subtitle,description
echo Use %%%% as wildcard: -t house%%%% would return all shows that start with "house"..[similar to house*]
echo or -t %%%%house%%%% would return shows with "house" anywhere in the title..
echo or -a %%%%house%%%% would return shows with "house" anywhere in database..
echo results sorted by date, case insensitive, only shows in future returned..
sample output with UltraXML enhanced epg:
[first output of query with cmd "Dbfind -t house"]
09-05 08:00AM CH-105 USA
(Sep-20-05) A 9-year-old patient with terminal cancer handles her situation so w
ell that House begins to wonder whether she is really that brave or if it is a m
edical symptom.
-ñ Actors: Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Robert Sean Leonard
-ñ Guests: Sasha Pieterse, Jewel Christian
Hit Control-c to cancel or
Press any key to continue . . .
[Updated to fix when no subtitle exists, thanx ElihuRozen]
Hardware: HDHR Prime, HDPVR 1212, Raspberry pi2, VFD display w/LCDSmartie