2010-02-09, 06:14 AM
I have been a long time SageTV fan (and a ReplayTV before that). But lately I have become disillusioned with the SageTV system. The community is awesome, but the company seems to be making little progress towards the features I want (stability and interface issues). When I last evaluated PVRs a few years ago SageTV was the best choice for me and my hardware. But GBPVR appears to have made outstanding progress and my needs have changed such that GBPVR may be a much better match for me. (or MythTV - but that is a whole other conversation and evaluation - although I do run multiple Linux boxes).
I have 3 valid XP PRO 32 bit licenses (full and legal - left over from various installs for clients) and 2 Windows 7 HOME 64 Bit licenses available. I would prefer to use XP just because they are not allocated, whereas the Windows 7 I will probably be used over the next couple of months. Essentially my XP licenses are FREE. I am not sure what results (PRO/CON) GBPVR users are having, although the forums seem generally positive about Windows 7.
Would GBPVR be better under XP or should I bite the bullet and use my Windows 7 license right of the bat?
My hardware is Silicon Dust dual tuner and some Hauppager boards (which I do not really use and could drop). I have a spare AMD Athalon 64 4600+ with 4 GB of RAM and an ATI HD4670 available for this experiment. I use an 8 TB UNRaid server for storage over GB Ethernet.
My AV collection consists of: multiple CDs in MP3 format, organized by Album, artist, track name. Many VIDEO_TS directories each within a directory titled after the Video in various directory hierarchies, tons of MPG-2 recordings from both ReplayTV and SageTV over many years.
If anyone has imported SageTV recordings could you refer me to those posts? I searched but the proper keyword phrase eludes me. I was able to code up a conversion to import my old ReplayTV recordings into SageTV (yea Perl) and I am pretty sure I could do the same thing for GBPVR if I understood the import mechanism. I may get away with just using the file name titles but not sure how GBPVR will index/search on that? With as many AV elements I have a search function is rather critical.
The system will replace the SageTV in a cabinet in the living room and utilize a remote and Plasma TV for the primary interface. I have a Logitech Harmony (RC) and MCE remote available. A keyboard and mouse are available but I really want to avoid using that for 99% of my activities, they clutter up the living room and even the Logitech DeNovo is a pain to use for long.
There are two users me (very experienced) and my lady (best to keep it VERY simple - AV is for relaxing not calculating).
See anything that would nix GBPVR?
WOW, that was a lot more detail and questions than I thought I had when I began this post.
Thank you
I have 3 valid XP PRO 32 bit licenses (full and legal - left over from various installs for clients) and 2 Windows 7 HOME 64 Bit licenses available. I would prefer to use XP just because they are not allocated, whereas the Windows 7 I will probably be used over the next couple of months. Essentially my XP licenses are FREE. I am not sure what results (PRO/CON) GBPVR users are having, although the forums seem generally positive about Windows 7.
Would GBPVR be better under XP or should I bite the bullet and use my Windows 7 license right of the bat?
My hardware is Silicon Dust dual tuner and some Hauppager boards (which I do not really use and could drop). I have a spare AMD Athalon 64 4600+ with 4 GB of RAM and an ATI HD4670 available for this experiment. I use an 8 TB UNRaid server for storage over GB Ethernet.
My AV collection consists of: multiple CDs in MP3 format, organized by Album, artist, track name. Many VIDEO_TS directories each within a directory titled after the Video in various directory hierarchies, tons of MPG-2 recordings from both ReplayTV and SageTV over many years.
If anyone has imported SageTV recordings could you refer me to those posts? I searched but the proper keyword phrase eludes me. I was able to code up a conversion to import my old ReplayTV recordings into SageTV (yea Perl) and I am pretty sure I could do the same thing for GBPVR if I understood the import mechanism. I may get away with just using the file name titles but not sure how GBPVR will index/search on that? With as many AV elements I have a search function is rather critical.
The system will replace the SageTV in a cabinet in the living room and utilize a remote and Plasma TV for the primary interface. I have a Logitech Harmony (RC) and MCE remote available. A keyboard and mouse are available but I really want to avoid using that for 99% of my activities, they clutter up the living room and even the Logitech DeNovo is a pain to use for long.
There are two users me (very experienced) and my lady (best to keep it VERY simple - AV is for relaxing not calculating).
See anything that would nix GBPVR?
WOW, that was a lot more detail and questions than I thought I had when I began this post.
Thank you