2010-07-03, 03:11 PM
How about a plugin writer, or a group of plugin writers make a plugin that automatic scans the EPG after each update (or at a scheduled time) looking for "shows of interest". The user must give the plugin some keywords to be found in title, subtitle or description of the show, or some phrases to look for. The plugin then makes a list of suggestions that the user can browse through and select for recording or dismiss.
Building in some AI in this plugin, it can store as many keywords as possible that itself finds in show description and make a rank of what keywords (or phrases) that most often is found in shows actually selected by the user, and give them a ranking. Using these keywords in the following searches the plugin gets more and more clever at selecting shows the user really wants.
Anyone up for the challenge?
Building in some AI in this plugin, it can store as many keywords as possible that itself finds in show description and make a rank of what keywords (or phrases) that most often is found in shows actually selected by the user, and give them a ranking. Using these keywords in the following searches the plugin gets more and more clever at selecting shows the user really wants.
Anyone up for the challenge?
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"