2011-01-21, 02:27 PM
Checking for mvpmc share on SMURFPC
mvpmc C:\Program Files\NPVR\mvpmc
Checking GB-PVR.html links
<a href="[url=http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/SMURFPC:mvpmc/gbpvr.cgi%22%3EGB-PVR%3C/a]http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/SMURFPC:mvpmc/gbpvr.cgi">GB-PVR</a[/url]>
<a href="[url=http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/NETWORK_BROWSER/browser.cgi%22%3EGB-PVR]http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/NETWORK_BROWSER/browser.cgi">GB-PVR[/url] via Network Browser</a>
<a href="[url=http://localhost.drives:8883/USB_DRIVE_A-1/mvpmc/usb_a.cgi%22%3EGB-PVR]http://localhost.drives:8883/USB_DRIVE_A-1/mvpmc/usb_a.cgi">GB-PVR[/url] via USB</a>
NMT IP Address: [color=red] [/color]MAC
GB-PVR Installed
GB-PVR previously uninstalled
N-PVR Installed C:\Users\Public\NPVR
<a href="[url=http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/SMURFPC:mvpmc/npvr.cgi%22%3EN-PVR%3C/a]http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/SMURFPC:mvpmc/npvr.cgi">N-PVR</a[/url]>
<a href="[url=http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/NETWORK_BROWSER/browser.cgi%22%3EN-PVR]http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/NETWORK_BROWSER/browser.cgi">N-PVR[/url] via Network Browser</a>
<a href="[url=http://localhost.drives:8883/USB_DRIVE_A-1/mvpmc/usb_a.cgi%22%3EN-PVR]http://localhost.drives:8883/USB_DRIVE_A-1/mvpmc/usb_a.cgi">N-PVR[/url] via USB</a>
Enabled true
Port 7999
Checking NMT Version
Checking NMT Display
Calling NMT Source
Hi Martin,
Having decided to go all NPVR (Been dual-trialling with some success) I seem to have completely stuffed up the PCH Part. Oddly, it worked, using the Network Browser with NPVR, then didn't work again. Then it worked with the GBPVR menu (and loaded NPVR), even though I uninstalled GBPVR ???? help?
Why would NMTInstall still install GBPVR.html even after I completely uninstalled (and deleted and reg-cleaned) GBPVR?
It never works with the Top menu in either btw, only the Network Browser One.
Odd thing is my PCH doesn't have that IP, I set a Static IP Address in the Router.
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