2011-04-01, 06:48 PM
Guys, please forgive the raw newb question, but I just installed NPVR v2.0.3 and am trying to use it with my HD Homerun tuner. The instructions say "visit the devices tab", but nothing is shown there (not even an ethernet listener that could be manually configured with the HDHR IP address). The forums talk about an HDHR plugin and problems with current silicondust drivers, but the NPVR plugins page has 11 plugins listed (from Programs to WebRadio) not including anything that looks related to HDHR.
FAQ and Hardware/Tuner pages are still under construction, and the Settings/Plugins checkbox page doesn't have HDHR, so I'm lost.
How do you use HDHR with NPVR?
FAQ and Hardware/Tuner pages are still under construction, and the Settings/Plugins checkbox page doesn't have HDHR, so I'm lost.
How do you use HDHR with NPVR?