I am trying to install searchlite with the current version on a Windows 7 64 bit server and I am not seeing it in NEWA or npvr. I also am not finding the xml file for configuring it. Should this be working?
It shows the correct directories, then says it installs everything fine. The directory under skins is created, but the folder under plugins is not created.
Never mind. I had too many items on the menu and did not scroll to see it. I still don't see anything on NEWA and I don't see the XML file for configuring the automatic setting.
NEWA is the web server, it should be installed by default with NPVR. You configure NEWA (including it's automatic settings) through the web server interface and you don't need to manually edit the config.xml. If you do a search with SearchLite it take a few seconds the first time to load NEWA to confirm it is working.
Also note that if you install a plugin in NPVR you do need to exit and restart, which is a little different from SageTV. I install my plugins to Program Directory\NPVR\Plugins folder.
Should there be something new showing in NEWA? Other than that it appears to be working perfectly. I was trying to follow the instructions in the wiki and that was where I got the idea I needed to modify the searchlite.XML file.
No NEWA doesn't really know about SearchLite. NEWA has it's own interface to similar functions. The xml file is only needed for some rarely used functions, and it's not well documented.