Jaggy and I have been working on a Photo SlideShow feature for the SSPlus Screen Saver. The beta version is now available for download (see below). It requires NPVR 2.4.3.
To have a play with it...
Download from the wiki, uncompress and run the installer, then set SSPLus as your default screensaver.
First time users should look at the SSPlus wiki page to find out how to make SSPlus your default screen saver.
Edit SSPConfig.xml in your Plugins\SSPlus dir (using notepad or similar - not wordpad) and add the following...
Change the paths in the <Directory></Directory> nodes to point to your own Photos and change the Collection name(s) as required.
You can have one or more Collection(s) each containing one or more Directory(s). Currently, SSPlus will look for photos in the specified directories and first level sub-directories.
Once SSPlus kicks in, pressing Home/Info twice within two seconds will display a context sensitive help screen showing the commands available - pressing Home/Info will clear the help screen. It is worth having a good look at the help screen(s) since they explain how to start the slideshow and once slideshow is running, how to navigate through your library. You can also see the help screens in the SSPlus skin folder.
For the moment, please post any problems (please attach your NPVR logs), comments or suggestions in this thread.
Jaggy & Alex
To have a play with it...
Download from the wiki, uncompress and run the installer, then set SSPLus as your default screensaver.
First time users should look at the SSPlus wiki page to find out how to make SSPlus your default screen saver.
Edit SSPConfig.xml in your Plugins\SSPlus dir (using notepad or similar - not wordpad) and add the following...
<PictureLibrary extensions="^.+\.(bmp|jpg|png|tiff|tif|gif)$">
<Collection name="All">
<Directory>N:\Video Clips And Photos\Family\</Directory>
<Directory>\\sbs2003\Media Stuff B\Video Clips And Photos\Scans\</Directory>
<Collection name="Holidays">
<Directory>N:\Video Clips And Photos\Family\2009-07\</Directory>
<Directory>\\sbs2003\Media Stuff B\Video Clips And Photos\Scans\198907 - N0074\</Directory>
You can have one or more Collection(s) each containing one or more Directory(s). Currently, SSPlus will look for photos in the specified directories and first level sub-directories.
Once SSPlus kicks in, pressing Home/Info twice within two seconds will display a context sensitive help screen showing the commands available - pressing Home/Info will clear the help screen. It is worth having a good look at the help screen(s) since they explain how to start the slideshow and once slideshow is running, how to navigate through your library. You can also see the help screens in the SSPlus skin folder.
For the moment, please post any problems (please attach your NPVR logs), comments or suggestions in this thread.
Jaggy & Alex