I try to record and the result is file 0 bytes. Additional to this I lost connection with other boards. If I try to watch other ATSC channel program stop responding.
Stop NextPVR, delete the contents of the logs directory, then restart and just try to record one channel that uses Turbo 8PSK. Don't do anything else - I don't want to see confusing logs with logs of stuff happening.
Let me know what the original ini tuning string should have been for that channel.
Now I record one of these channels. Attached logs. If I try to play(live TV) screen become dark and no picture. Recorded file try to play with NPVR same dark screen, with VLC PowerDVD 12,14,15 is perfect. Most likely I use wrong decoders. I use mainconcept because they give me possibility to show close caption. Can you advise decoders to use. BTW this decoders that I use comes with Hauppauge
board that I use for ATSC and clear QAM. One question is there way to have SID as channel #.
Best Regards
I'm not really sure what to suggest on that one. Maybe try setting <TuneTwiceOnDigitalChannels>true</TuneTwiceOnDigitalChannels> in the <Recordings> section of config.xml to see if it helps.
Hi Sub,
I add this to recording section in config.xml but no result. Tests that I made:
Record ATSC or Clear QAM and play with NPVR and all players that I have works perfect.
Record DVB and play with NPVR noting all other players perfect.
Can not understand what is the difference between files they are TS files some are MPEG2 some H264. Is it possible to be because this one is from sat and other come from antenna or cabel.
Also I try to use all available(that I have) decoders with no result Please advise what else to try
Best regards
gongorongo Wrote:Can not understand what is the difference between files they are TS files some are MPEG2 some H264. Is it possible to be because this one is from sat and other come from antenna or cabel.
It's up to each broadcaster to decide for each channel. ATSC and QAM is usually always MPEG2, though I have seen a couple of reports of H.264 QAM channels being used by some cable companies (though you're probably not encountering any of these). Satellite could be a mixture of MPEG2 and H.264.
I record two channels one is MPEG2 the other h.264 but both of them result is same. question if one of decoders video or audio is not good is this will produce black screen