2015-10-07, 09:19 PM
I figured it out - in executable C:\Program Files (x86)\NPVR\dtvTune.exe in arguments: -ip xxx.xxx.xx.xx -channel {channel}
2015-10-07, 09:19 PM
I figured it out - in executable C:\Program Files (x86)\NPVR\dtvTune.exe in arguments: -ip xxx.xxx.xx.xx -channel {channel}
2015-10-08, 09:39 AM
michelle911 Wrote:I figured it out - in executable C:\Program Files (x86)\NPVR\dtvTune.exe in arguments: -ip xxx.xxx.xx.xx -channel {channel} Apologies for my erroneous post. Glad you sorted it despite me.
2015-10-08, 03:06 PM
Graham Wrote:Apologies for my erroneous post. Glad you sorted it despite me. Graham you got me pointed in the right direction - the brackets made all the difference! So thanks.
2017-11-13, 01:11 AM
I had to piece together instructions from about 3 different web pages to finally get channel changing using the built in REST API for the Directv Genie and NPVR for an HDPVR2. I thought I'd post what finally worked for me to hopefully save someone else some time.
-Locate the IP Address of your Directv DVR. Use the menu on the DVR to get it. -Go the the URL of http://directv_receiver_ip:8080/info/getLocations to get the "address" of each of the Genies. All URL requests go the the main DVR and you specify which device to take the action against. To change the channel, go to: http://directv_receiver_ip:8080/tv/tune?...3DECD01DD8 major= the channel you want to tune to clientAddr= the genie address from the getLocations page from above. Now you should be able to change channels on the genie by going to the URL in a browser. Now we need to get nexpvr to use a browser to change channels. Download and install GNU Wget (you can use this to request web pages via the command line). Once installed, you can test it out by opening a command prompt and typing (or pasting) this command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe" "http://directv_receiver_ip:8080/tv/tune?clientAddr=403DECD01DD8&major=128" If that's working, then open NPVR, right click settings, devices, (double click device). In the Channel Changer section, Executable: navigate to the wget.exe file. For the Arguments, use http://directv_receiver_ip:8080/tv/tune?...r={channel} Be sure to right click each channel and "Update to Current Settings" Good Luck and hopefully I saved you some time! [ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND] PS: the http://directv_receiver_ip:8080/info/getOptions command will show all commands and the required arguments if you want to do other things besides changing channels ![]()
[SIZE="1"]GBPVR Media Center: 2 TwinHan DTV 3250's (OTA HD), 1 PVR150MCE U-Verse STB), AMD 3200+, 1 GB RAM, 250/300 GB HDDs, ATI x800
2 MediaMVPs [/SIZE]
2017-12-29, 11:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 2017-12-29, 11:53 PM by Thunder7ga.)
I had been using this for a long while now, until recently when the WGET will no longer change the channel (still works if I do it manually in a web browser). I do have a Genie Mini tied in so have to call the clientAddr MAC address of that box. The command I use is:{MAC ADDRESS of Genie} But, with WGET won't work, and when running in a command window so I can see what it is doing, it says the "minor" and "clientAddr" is not recognized as an internal command. And sometimes even a FORBIDDEN error. So, I changed it to the format listed above as:{MAC ADDRESS}&major={channel} Now this still says "major" is not recognized....seems WGET is broke.
2017-12-30, 12:41 AM
Did you notice the double quotes in the previous post to yours?
2017-12-30, 01:30 AM
mvallevand Wrote:Did you notice the double quotes in the previous post to yours? No. DAMN! Thanks, that does seem to work via command line now. Now to update NPVR.
2017-12-30, 07:53 PM
All fixed up. Had to update every channel with the{MAC ADDRESS}&major={channel} info and all now change again correctly.
2018-01-01, 12:12 AM
Yay! Glad to hear it was something simple! Those quotes kicked my booty also...
[SIZE="1"]GBPVR Media Center: 2 TwinHan DTV 3250's (OTA HD), 1 PVR150MCE U-Verse STB), AMD 3200+, 1 GB RAM, 250/300 GB HDDs, ATI x800
2 MediaMVPs [/SIZE]
2018-09-30, 01:02 AM
I'm just now finding this thread - I've been wracking my brain over how to get a system with two Colossus 2 cards to use an IR blaster to change channels on my new DirecTV H25, and now I discover that I don't need it. :o
One question, though - is DTVtune.exe also capable of sending a power-on command? As a bit of added redundancy, in case the receiver goes into standby mode before recording starts? |