2018-04-05, 06:14 PM
Our TV network provider Ziggo broadcasts the full EPG of every possible channel on each channel. So for a full EPG update I only need NextPVR to scan one channel/frequency for one minute. I've tested this by emptying the EPG from the Settings window, selecting one channel on the Channels section and push the "Update EPG" button. This gives me a full guide for all my channels. So technically this works fine. My wish is to have the option in Settings -> Misc2 to select a specific channel for the auto update EPG.
[SIZE="1"]i5 750 4GB RAM, Windows 10 Home, HDHomeRun HDHR3-4DC, Digital Devices Cine CT, OSCam on a Raspberry Pi with a Smargo Smartreader+, Raspberry Pi 2 OpenElec Kodi client, Gigabyte Brix 2807 OpenElec Kodi client[/SIZE]