2019-10-16, 11:11 PM
(2019-10-16, 09:04 PM)markn62 Wrote: Auto map not working for me. When I put an xmltv url for epg in when I create the m3u source some channels map right away, maybe 10% are correct. When I auto map to something other than xmltv it changes all channels from XMLTV to NONE. Then if I remap auto with xmltv source they don't come back as XMLTV, remain as NONE. Even restarted NprServer, no change. To be certain I am checking the top checkbox, selecting all channels, in case all channels need to be chosen to do a proper auto-map. Ideas?So your channel here is called "US: AMC". What is it called in your xmltv file?
I did check between m3u and xmltv for matching ID and they do, i.e.
EPG: United States AMC US amc.us (country/channel/xmltv-id)
M3U: #EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID="AMC.us" tvg-name="US: AMC" tvg-logo="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/3/34/AMC_logo_2019.svg/330px-AMC_logo_2019.svg.png" group-title="USA HD",US: AMC
I presume tvg-ID and xmltv-id are the same identifier. Mapping by channel name doesn't work but by example above I wouldn't expect it too. Match by number/identifiers should. Also a side question. Since I can only get manual EPG working, once an hour of time is put in manually assigning, is there a way to export an assignment file that can be imported later to restore an m3u <> epg alignment should it get blown out by a source url change?
And in the mapping page via browser, could the framing of columns be made wider since they are fixed (not user adjustable). The name column is truncated, cant tell what channel is being chosen.
There is no channel number to go on, and it can be pretty difficult to map IPTV channel names because they rarely match another source (like Schedules Direct etc)