2021-04-06, 04:19 PM
Often broadcast includes AC3 with h264 which still requires transcoding, but we will never know what is going on if you don't provide zipped logs.
2021-04-06, 04:19 PM
Often broadcast includes AC3 with h264 which still requires transcoding, but we will never know what is going on if you don't provide zipped logs.
2021-04-06, 04:28 PM
(2021-04-06, 04:19 PM)mvallevand Wrote: Often broadcast includes AC3 with h264 which still requires transcoding, but we will never know what is going on if you don't provide zipped logs. Ah, my problem is solved as I've already reported above. The 'undocumented' update https://forums.nextpvr.com/showthread.ph...#pid552206 has fixed the problem. Just HD channels don't work in web view. Would the android app be able to show hd channels too?
2021-04-06, 04:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 2021-04-06, 04:37 PM by mvallevand.)
I meant we could tell in the logs why/if h264 is being transcoded. That update is in 5.1.1 now.
Android can Direct Play but that doesn't mean your Android device can handle the codecs. Martin
2021-04-09, 09:37 AM
So I upgraded to 5.1.1 and now I can see HD channels but they keep hanging and pausing for 1-2 seconds then resuming and I get a message like:
"Server is not fast enough for playback in a web browser. (0.628x)" Checking system usage I see ffmpeg is transcoding and using all CPU, full command is: ffmpeg -y -i -map_metadata -1 -threads 0 -ignore_unknown -map 0:v:0? -map 0:a:0 -map -0 -codec:v:0 libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset superfast -crf 23 -vf yadif=0:-1:0 -b:v 2000000 -maxrate 2000000 -bufsize 4000000 -vsync vfr -profile:v high -level 41 -force_key_frames expr:gte(t,n_forced*3) -s 1280x720 -flags -global_header -sc_threshold 0 -codec:a:0 aac -strict experimental -ac 2 -ab 192000 -hls_time 3 -start_number 0 -hls_list_size 403 -y /var/opt/nextpvr/web/temp/Canale5 HD-f2f69a395ece46b08ac71754e14597f3.m3u8 Is there a way to avoid the video transcoding (just copy it as is) and do only the audio transcoding and recontainerization (which should be very fast) ? Or at least to use the h264_omx (hardware accelerated) encoder which should be much faster than libx264?
2021-04-09, 06:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 2021-04-09, 06:21 PM by mvallevand.)
Sub doesn't support audio only encodings and you still continue to ignore my post to upload logs so we could explain why it is being transcoded.
You are free to experiment with your own transcoding profile but it would need to handle all you source type, change default in <TranscodeHLS>default</TranscodeHLS> to this Code: -y [ANALYZE_DURATION] [SEEK] -i [SOURCE] -map_metadata -1 -threads [THREADS] -ignore_unknown -map 0:v:0? [PREFERRED_LANGUAGE] -map 0:a:[AUDIO_STREAM] -map -0:s -codec:v:0 libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset superfast -crf 23 [DEINTERLACING] -b:v [BITRATE] -maxrate [BITRATE] -bufsize [BUFSIZE] -vsync vfr -profile:v high -level 41 -force_key_frames \"expr:gte(t,n_forced*3)\" -s [RESOLUTION] [SCALE] [SUBTITLES] -flags -global_header -sc_threshold 0 -codec:a:0 [AUDIO_CODEC] -strict experimental -ac [AUDIO_CHANNELS] -ab [AUDIO_BITRATE] -hls_time [SEGMENT_DURATION] -start_number 0 -hls_list_size [SEGMENT_COUNT] -y [TARGET] and then edit the command line as you feel correct for omx. The best choice of all will be to use a direct play player. Martin
Thanks Martin.
(2021-04-09, 06:20 PM)mvallevand Wrote: Sub doesn't support audio only encodings... What is Sub? (2021-04-09, 06:20 PM)mvallevand Wrote: ..and you still continue to ignore my post to upload logs so we could explain why it is being transcoded. Logs attached. Just before collecting logs I tried viewing channel "Rai1 HD" from browser (Vivaldi) on Windows (got message that "Server is not fast enough for playback in a web browser. (0.628x)")
2021-04-12, 01:14 PM
Sub is the author of NextPVR, so praise for this great program and change requests are to him.
As expected your video has two audio tracks that are not browser compatible. Code: 2021-04-12 10:34:15.499 [DEBUG][6] [FFMPEG]: Stream #0:1[0x1c1](ita): Audio: ac3 (AC-3 / 0x332D4341), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 448 kb/s Martin
2021-04-12, 04:42 PM
(2021-04-09, 06:20 PM)mvallevand Wrote: You are free to experiment with your own transcoding profile but it would need to handle all you source type, change default in Martin, could you explain me where to edit that args line? From the web-page -> settings -> transcoder, I can only pick a profile and then the gear icon is not even enabled for "default" but only for the other profiles, and anyway, even for the other profiles, it just lets me change the bitrate, not the full args line. On the filesystem, I see file system/data/Config-master-dont-edit.xml containing a TranscodeArgs tag that seems to be the one to modify, but the name "..dont-edit.xml" seems to suggest that I shouldn't modify that one.
2021-04-27, 04:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 2021-04-27, 04:45 PM by mvallevand.)
Sorry, I forget to mention where to change default that would be in config.xml this setting <TranscodeHLS>default</TranscodeHLS>
Here is a basic one line sed command (which I won't explain) that I have been using in LibreElec testing. Always backup config.xml before experimenting with changes Code: sed -i 's/<TranscodeHLS>default<\/TranscodeHLS>/<TranscodeHLS>-y [ANALYZE_DURATION] [SEEK] -i [SOURCE] -map_metadata -1 -threads [THREADS] -ignore_unknown -map 0:v:0? [PREFERRED_LANGUAGE] -map 0:a:[AUDIO_STREAM] -map -0:s -vcodec copy -acodec aac -ac 2 -c:s copy -hls_time [SEGMENT_DURATION] -start_number 0 -hls_list_size [SEGMENT_COUNT] -y [TARGET]<\/TranscodeHLS>/' config.xml Martin |